Interview Preparation When It's on The Phone

Friday, 12 November 2010

  *Career job information for job seekers and find good  jobs employment 

 by: Alena

The basics of interview preparation haven't changed in a while. You dress for success, bring your resume with you, have interview questions answered in your head and know the company. The way interviews are done, however, has changed. The days of walking door to door and handing in your resumes are over. Even the way our interviews are done has changed. Whereas once it was only acceptable to have interviews in person, now phone interviews have become more popular.
So how does one set up interview preparation for a phone interview? A lot of us believe a good first impression is shown by wearing a freshly pressed shirt or clean hair-do. And we may be right. However, here are some interview tips for how to interview during and in preparation of a phone interview...
1. Research – Always research the company before your phone interview. Know who the CEO is, the name and title of your interviewer, the locations of the company, how big it is, etc.
2. Organize your thoughts - Know what you're going to say about yourself. Have your best features, biggest achievements, things to work on and relevant background work ready in your mind and on paper.
3. Sound check- Record your voice. Make sure you sound calm and are talking slowly. Many people rush through phone interviews because they are too nervous.
4. Find your location- try to be by a mirror and in an area where you can stand. This allows your voice to project more and gives you added confidence.
5. Organize your papers – Resume, cover letter, job advertisement, career portfolio, short list of your accomplishments and anything else relevant to the job should be laid out in front of you so everything is in easy reach.
6. Eliminate distractions – Lock your door, tell your roommates to leave you alone, turn off the computer, and put any pets in the living room. You do not want to zone out or be distracted when your interviewer asks a question.
7. Dress professionally – Even though no one can see you, this phone interview tips of being dressed in a professional manner can give the aura of importance and can make your speech more formal. Being dressed in business slacks and a button down shirt can also make you feel more confident about getting a job, which can come through in the way you talk and things you say to your future employer.
8. Be enthusiastic – But not fake! You are just another voice on the phone, so make sure that voice is memorable! Make them laugh, find something in common (a university, sorority or club you both were a part of, etc.), or just be friendly. Having a friendly disposition can really help the employer feel at ease with you and make them more attuned to getting to know you better.
9. Be ready to take notes – Whereas you most likely will not be quizzed at the end of the phone interview, it is always good to take notes on names mentioned, locations, etc.
10. Prepare a list of questions – Interviewers always like when people ask questions at the end of a phone interview. Write the questions you have before the phone interview, and add to them as the interview goes on.
11. Ask for a meeting in person – As you feel the phone interview wrapping up, acknowledge the fact that you know your interviewer is busy and only so much can be done over the phone. Ask if there is a time where you can meet in person to discuss farther the career opportunities available at the company.
12. Request contact information for follow-up questions and thank you letters – This interview tip shows you are interested in the company and very interested in the job. Do not forget to follow up!
Remember these interview tips on things NOT to do during a phone interview:
1. Do not smoke, chew gum, eat or drink during the phone interview
2. Avoid the overuse of "ah", "err", "hum", "uh" and "like"
3. Avoid the simple yes and/or no answers
4. Never ask about dollars, security, benefits, commute, comfort or hours

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