Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Posted by
Online Jobs
Labels: seo kontes, software akuntansi
Labels: seo kontes, software akuntansi
Berikut adalah peraturan yang harus anda ikuti untuk berpartisipasi dalam kontes SEO Zahir Accounting.Informasi Acara:
- Kontes SEO Zahir Accounting berlangsung selama 2 bulan, dimulai pada 21 Desember 2011 hingga 29 Februari 2012.
- Masa pendaftaran dan verifikasi kontestan berlangsung hingga tanggal 15 Februari 2012.
- Keyword target “Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik”
- Penilaian ranking juara didasarkan pada ranking di pada tanggal: 29 Februari 2012 pukul 24.00 WIB
- Pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan paling lambat seminggu setelah masa berakhir kontes.
- Peserta menulis artikel di blognya masing-masing dengan tema, “Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik” sebagai review positif atas Zahir Accounting. Minimal artikel terdiri dari 300 kata.
- Memasang dua link berikut dalam artikel kontes yang diperlombakan.
a. software akuntansi – link ke
b. contoh laporan keuangan – link ke
- Memberi “Like” Facebook untuk Zahir Accounting
- Memasang Banner kontes SEO Zahir Accounting di sidebar blog peserta. Banner bisa didapatkan disini.
- Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan nama domain / sub-domain baru yang dikhususkan untuk mengikuti kontes ini. Hanya diperbolehkan menggunakan blog yang sudah ada dengan minimal 5 postingan di dalamnya.
- Dipersilahkan mengikutkan lebih dari 1 blog. Jika ada seorang pemenang menempati 2 posisi juara (dengan blog berbeda), maka orang tersebut berhak atas 2 hadiah yang ditawarkan dalam kontes ini.
- Artikel harus asli hasil karya peserta. Peserta diperbolehkan menulis dari berbagai sumber, dan jika memuat hasil terjemahan, maka harus disertakan sumbernya.
- Artikel dalam bahasa Indonesia.
- Siapapun diperbolehkan mengikuti kontes SEO Zahir Accounting ini.
- Dilarang menggunakan teknik Blackhat SEO apapun.
- Entry yang diperlombakan haruslah baru, bukan entry lama yang diedit.
- Penilaian berdasarkan posisi url konten (bukan url domain / subdomain), kontestan yang berhak berpartisipasi adalah yang sudah terverifikasi menjadi kontestan sebelum masa pendaftaran berakhir.
- Panitia berhak mendiskualifikasi peserta, apabila melanggar peraturan yang telah ditetapkan.
- Peraturan mungkin ditambah / dikurangi sewaktu-waktu, dan apabila terjadi perubahan akan diberitahukan kepada kontestan.
- Keputusan mutlak ada di tangan juri.
- Rengga Putra – Tim SEO PT. Dhezign Online Solution
- Manajemen Zahir Accounting
- Anda sudah terdaftar sebagi peserta sebelum masa pendaftaran berakhir, yaitu pada tanggal 15 Februari 2011.
- Memenuhi seluruh peraturan.
- Pengecekan posisi menggunakan url berikut: – tanpa cache browser.
- Sebelum anda menanyakan sesuatu kepada kami, silahkan cek halaman FAQ terlebih dahulu.
- Kunjungi halaman Materi artikel untuk ide artikel anda.
Acara ini terselenggara berkat kerjasama Software Akuntansi Zahir Accounting, Asosiasi Industri Web Indonesia (AIWI), Surabaya Web Community (SuWeC), dan PT DheZign Online Solution sebagai penyelenggara.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Posted by
just vina
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Dibutuhkan Segera PT ANEKA GAS INDUSTRI adalah perusahaan gas tertua dan merupakan salah satu dari 5 perusahaan gas terbesar di Indonesia yang mempunyai Visi : Tumbuh Menjadi Perusahaan Gas Industri Kelas Dunia Yang Tangguh. PT Aneka Gas Industri adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi dan memperdagangkan gas-gas industri (Oksigen, Nitrogen, Argon, Karbon dioksida, Asetilen dll), yang merupakan bahan penunjang untuk proses kimia dan fisika yang dipakai secara luas di industri-industri pengecoran dan fabrikasi logam, kaca, kimia, rumah sakit, industri pangan dan minuman ringan, laboratorium dan lain sebagainya Kami yakin & percaya bahwa innovasi dan perbedaan adalah modal utama untuk berkarya, maju dan berjaya ; segala sesuatu yang sudah dicapai PT Aneka Gas Industri saat ini dan yang diharapkan akan terwujud pada masa yang akan datang merupakan hasil dari komitmen dan kerja keras bersama. Sekarang merupakan saat yang paling tepat bagi anda yang memiliki hasrat dan komitmen kuat, menjawab tantangan kami untuk mengisi peluang karir berikut dan bersama-sama memantapkan langkah PT Aneka Gas Industri di percaturan bisnis gas nasional Menjawab tantangan-tantangan tersebut, kami mengajak para profesional muda yang energik kreatif, proaktif dan inovatif serta dinamis untuk bergabung bersama kami dalam mengenbangkan usaha PT. Aneka Gas Industri sesuai visi tersebut untuk menduduki posisi posisi jabatan sbb :
IT job : STAF ITKualifikasi :
* Pria, usia maks 35 th
* S1 T. Komputer/ Informatika, IPK min. 2.75
* Pengalaman di bidang help desk, support dan jaringan serta program SAP
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta Selatan
Untuk info lebih lengkap lihat di website Jobsdb Indonesia dan kunjungi Job Fair Jobsdb indonesia

Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Posted by
just vina
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Pemara is a 100% privately owned business established in 1966 with four printing plants and five sales offices in SE Asia and Australia.
Pemara is structured to meet the needs of customers both local and regional, from SME’s to multi-national entities, leading the way in the provisions of label solutions for the following markets : Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Pharmaceutical and Nutriceutical, Food and Beverage, Chemical, Agri-Chemical and Industrial, Promotional, Security.
Pemara is structured to meet the needs of customers both local and regional, from SME’s to multi-national entities, leading the way in the provisions of label solutions for the following markets : Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Pharmaceutical and Nutriceutical, Food and Beverage, Chemical, Agri-Chemical and Industrial, Promotional, Security.
To support our sustained growth, we are inviting highly qualified professionals to join our team IT Job:
IT job : JUNIOR ITRequirements:
* Minimum Bachelors (S-1) Degree in Computer Information Systems, Computer Science or equivalent from a reputed university
* Minimum of 2 years work experience in IT management in medium to large enterprise environment
* Good interpersonal, communication and advanced administrative skills.
* Good command written and spoken in English & familiar with Microsoft Office skills
* Self-motivated, quick-learner, can work under minimum supervision.
For more info job, come to website Jobsdb Indonesia and Jobsdb Job Fair
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Posted by
just vina
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
* Min. S1 Degree in IT, Computer Science, Informatics Engineering (or related major), with max. age 28 yrs
* Familiar with RDBMS Database such as Oracle, SQLServer
* Good skill of DML/DDL Language, SQL, PL/SQL
* Willing to be placed at Bintaro
* Fresh Grads are welcome
With these skill/experience is an advantage IT job:
* Experience to analyst & develop system using C#, .Net (Code:ITSA-ITD01)
* Oracle Application, ERP concept, and Financial modules (Code:ITSA-ITD02)
* OWB Development Skill & Datawarehouse concept (Code:ITSA-MIS01)
Job Fair
Please send us your current resume to :
Titan Center, 8th floor
Jalan Boulevard Bintaro Block B7/B1 No. 5
Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7
Ph. 021-7454 111 ext. 3455
(Please write "ITSA-......" in the subject of the email)
Please send us your current resume to :
Titan Center, 8th floor
Jalan Boulevard Bintaro Block B7/B1 No. 5
Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7
Ph. 021-7454 111 ext. 3455
(Please write "ITSA-......" in the subject of the email)

Posted by
just vina
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika currently has career opportunities in one of the most beautiful location in the world, also known as a paradise island. That’s right, Bali.
Why consider opportunities with us?
We are a leading ecommerce company and the largest online store in Indonesia. We are expanding our business to embrace the dynamic growth of ecommerce business in Indonesia through online platforms that provide the needs of Indonesia’s ecommerce market including web services and listing services. If you like the idea of doing something big and innovative, come join us!
Why consider opportunities with us?
We are a leading ecommerce company and the largest online store in Indonesia. We are expanding our business to embrace the dynamic growth of ecommerce business in Indonesia through online platforms that provide the needs of Indonesia’s ecommerce market including web services and listing services. If you like the idea of doing something big and innovative, come join us!
Who You Are:
You are someone who wants to influence your own development and looking for a company where you have the opportunity to pursue your interests, and where a job title is not considered the final definition of who you are, but the starting point.
We need all-rounder, creative people who are passionate about innovation and great team players to join our fast growing innovative team as IT job:
We need all-rounder, creative people who are passionate about innovation and great team players to join our fast growing innovative team as IT job:
IT job PHP Programmer (IT Department)
* Developing, implementing and maintaining the company website(s) including its applications, systems and versions
* Developing and implementing new systems and/or application of the website including its functionality and usability
* Assisting in the maintaining, planning, developing and implementation of the company’s IT infrastructure
Supporting and assisting the IT Manager and other colleagues as part of team work
* Minimum of 4-5 years PHP experience
* Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
* Strong coding skill in PHP
* System analysis knowledge
* MySQL knowledge
* Javascript & HTML knowledge
* Zend framework knowledge
* Experience in customizing open source applications
* Effective communication in English
* Experience in API Programming
Open website and come to Job Fair

Monday, 25 July 2011
Posted by
just vina
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
IT job at CRAFTNETWORK, PT currently has career opportunities in one of the most beautiful location in the world, also known as a paradise island. That’s right, Bali.
Why consider opportunities with us?
We are a leading ecommerce company and the largest online store in Indonesia. We are expanding our business to embrace the dynamic growth of ecommerce business in Indonesia through online platforms that provide the needs of Indonesia’s ecommerce market including web services and listing services. If you like the idea of doing something big and innovative, come join us!
Why consider opportunities with us?
We are a leading ecommerce company and the largest online store in Indonesia. We are expanding our business to embrace the dynamic growth of ecommerce business in Indonesia through online platforms that provide the needs of Indonesia’s ecommerce market including web services and listing services. If you like the idea of doing something big and innovative, come join us!
Who You Are:
You are someone who wants to influence your own development and looking for a company where you have the opportunity to pursue your interests, and where a job title is not considered the final definition of who you are, but the starting point.
We need all-rounder, creative people who are passionate about innovation and great team players to join our fast growing innovative team as:
IT job : System Administrator (IT Department)
* To manage, develop and maintain the provision of IT infrastructure services including desktop applications, Local and / or Wide area networks, company’s server, IT security and website’s hosting
* To develop and maintain company’s internal system including troubleshooting, system backups, disaster recovery plan, helpdesk administration support
* To support and assist the IT Manager and other colleagues as part of team work
* A minimum of 3 years of system administration experience
* Knowledge and experience in Server and network system architectures, MySQL database administration
* Experience managing IP networks (LDAP, DHCP, DNS, email, etc.), Windows Server administration including Active Domain, Configuration of routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers
* Ability to provide assistance in identifying, acquiring and deploying company’s infrastructure
* One or more technical disciplines including System Engineering, Software Engineering, Network Engineering
* Good writing and speaking of the English language
For more info please open website and you can get more info job and Job Fair

Posted by
just vina
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Labels: admin, asuransi, design, keuangan, layanan kesehatan, manajemen, perbankan, tekhnik, teknologi informatika
Sebuah Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terkemuka Milik Negara membutuhkan lulusan-lulusan terbaik di bidang Ilmu Komputer & Teknologi Informasi untuk bergabung sebagai Staf IT
IT job : Staf IT
* Berpendidikan minimal S1 dari Jurusan Teknologi Informasi/ Komputer/ Manajemen Informasi/ Teknik Komputer
* Berusia maksimal 27 tahun
* IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4) dari PTN dan 3,00 (skala 4) dari PTS
* Menguasai keahlian teknis programmer (PHP, VB, Power Builder, Oracle, MySQL, dll)/ Network Admin (Linux, Windows, AIX, TCP/IP, network performance, traffic report)/ Database Admin (PL/SQL DBA, MS SQL, MS Access, Oracle).
* Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris (lisan & tulisan)
Surat lamaran dilengkapi Curriculum Vitae (CV), fotokopi bukti diri, fotokopi Ijazah Perguruan Tinggi berikut transkrip yang telah dilegalisir, sertifikat pendukung lainnya, disertai 2 (dua) lembar pas foto terakhir ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna) dan nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi (IT) di sudut kanan atas amplop, dikirimkan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 24 Juli 2011 ke Alamat :
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 34
Jakarta Pusat 10120
Untuk info lebih lengkap kunjungi website dan Job Fair

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