Personal Development : Have You Reached Your Full Potential

Wednesday 8 December 2010

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by: Daegan Smith

Each of us possesses an untapped potential within. We are all destined to be someone and achieve something in the course of our lives. However, due to the multitude of challenges and obstacles that we encounter everyday, we neglect that we have this capacity to achieve our goals, and be the best person we can become. The fire of potential is not kindled but instead seized. What most people fail to understand is that it is only in accepting and utilizing this potential that we will fully realize its amazing and powerful impact in improving our lives.

In the course of our pursuit to reaching our full potential, several obstacles may get in the way. Often, these hindrances are not material. Instead, they are nothing more than self-limiting beliefs that stop as from getting to where we want to be or being what we are meant to become. It is fear, anguish and worry that tops the list in hampering people from finding the positive that life has to offer.

Foremost, this is brought about by fear. In psychology, "fear of failure" or "fear of success" are terms often used to explain why people hold themselves back. "Fear of failure" is what it literally suggests. Nobody wants to fail utterly. It is difficult to accept defeat. On the other hand, "fear of success" is not as easy to analyze. Success is not universally a positive thing. It changes one's life in one way or another. Fear of success somehow translates to the fear of what may come with success. Achieving success for some people may lead to one's losing a sense of purpose. Since the goal he was aiming at has already been attained, he finds no more purpose in pursuing any more goals. Also take for example, someone who aspires to make a breakthrough in science may just be able to achieve his goal, but succeeding may cause that person to be in the limelight - giving speeches at conferences, facing both praises and criticisms, and even incurring the envy of his colleagues. Because of this fear of being exposed and succumbing to a public life, people may just be content with being themselves and blend with the crowd. They no longer seek for more by furthering or enhancing their chosen craft. Somewhere along the way, progress stops and the full potential within waiting to be freed is curtailed.

Though imagining success maybe able to bring out your desire to reach for your full potential, it is rather important to aim for development and not really focus on victory. To fail is inevitable, while success may be short-lived, but the lessons and learning you will derive from it will definitely allow you to understand and appreciate yourself more. It will aid you in knowing your limits and/or how much further you are able to push yourself.

Psychologists encourage people who are seeking to reach their full potential to not focus on the material aspects of achieving something. Instead, they must aim more for personal development, which comes with a longer-lasting effect than tangible rewards. Looking towards personal fulfillment gives the much-needed inspiration to discover how far you can go.

It is a must to set your targets high, but be sure to keep your expectations level with reality as well. Do not satisfy yourself with the way things are. Crave to discover your capabilities. Challenge yourself; do not settle for just what is served. Know that there are infinite possibilities and a myriad of opportunities before you. These opportunities are like fruits dangling from a tree which are all yours for the taking. Understand that you deserve as much success and fulfillment as anybody else.

After realizing the importance of having a goal that allows you to reach inside and release that full potential within, you should also see that there is danger in setting too many targets. There is nothing wrong in being enthusiastic and giving yourself several targets to keep you active and moving. But you must also understand that you can only do so much at one time. A sense of purpose may not always promise success. There is also a matter of "resources" that may not be enough to support your enthusiasm - health, time, funding. There is such a thing as stress, and also burnout. So, stick to your own pace. There is no need to rush. Give yourself some time to appreciate the little milestones you come across after overcoming the little challenges you pass.

Clear your mind. Overcome fear. Stay active. Engage yourself with your world. Savor your accomplishments. It is through a sound mind, setting clear priorities, living a phased lifestyle and proving to yourself how capable you are that you can and will realize and reach your full potential. 

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